How You might Feel at each stage
First Phase: Awaken
Awareness and Acceptance is the beginning and foundation of the Sacred Self-Love Journey. Start here to ensure that you are fully present for the rest of the process and not using the tools to ‘get somewhere’ or ‘fix something’ The teachings and classes in the awareness stage will equip you with the skills to become aware of all sensation in your body, which helps you to build emotional intelligence, to gain the tools to self-soothe.
You are already exactly where you are meant to be and learning how to be in your body in this moment and then accept fully what’s going on will support all your work further down the line.
If you can’t connect to the wisdom of your body, you are blocking the primary access point of the Divine.
At this stage you are thinking about the hope and promise of starting a new journey. You are thinking that THIS is your time to make a change. To finally LOVE yourself for who you are. You are excited so start loving yourself more deeply as the magical spiritual being that you are. You keep thinking - I am done with feeling like this, I am ready for more. You feel committed. There is a growing awareness of what's going on inside, you are starting to feel acceptance for who you are right in this moment.
You might be feeling disconnected from all of your emotions, numb inside, either unable to access positive emotions or deliberately numbing difficult emotions.
You are just starting to show up for yourself more regularly. You are just getting started on creating habits and practices that serve you.
Middle Phase: Love your Body
Congratulations gorgeous, you are ready to completely shift the relationship that you have with your body. You are ready to build life sustaining habits that honour and nurture your vessel Developing long lasting strength, commitment and the ability to deeply relax.
You know this is the place to start because you are thinking that you need to start taking better care of yourself, or you lie in bed and promise yourself that tomorrow will be different, ‘tomorrow, I will eat healthily, stop drinking so much, start to exercise regularly” then you know that it’s time to devote some loving awareness to your sacred vessel - your body.
The flip side of this is, you might be using your body and movement as a way to escape what you are feeling, if you find yourself thinking that “I don’t know what I would do if I got injured and couldn’t exercise?” Or “I can’t stand being still and I find it really hard to just relax” Sometimes extreme physical effort is a way to avoid what we are really feeling inside.
You might be feeling disconnected from your body, almost like you are stuck up in your brain. You might be completely unaware of the subtle sensations and cues that your body is giving you. You feel bad that you aren’t taking better care of yourself and wonder why you don’t have as much energy as you would like. You find it hard to feel connected to your body and often struggle with feeling your emotions, perhaps feeling numb and unable to experience strong emotions.
Perhaps you are neglecting your needs for nutritious food, movement, or deep breathing. You might be overdoing it, finding it hard to rest, relax and just sit down and chill.
Middle Phase: Love your Mind
This is such an exciting place to be my friend. Welcoming the shadows, means making friends with all that you are. It means allowing the unconscious beliefs that run our lives to be seen and integrated. It means the voice in our head becomes our best friend and cheerleader. It means we develop tools and skills for self-contemplation and reflection.
When you are ready to dive into this work, you might be thinking; ‘ I can’t cope with this voice anymore’ ‘I am fed up of being so self-critical’ ‘I just want to believe in myself’ ‘I don’t want to feel so insecure all the time’
You may be feeling trapped in negative thought patterns and spirals. You may be feeling resentful towards others who you feel take advantage of you. You may feel stuck in perfectionism or self-sabotaging behaviours.
You may be constantly spiraling with your thoughts, fears and anxieties. You may be comparing yourself to others or believing that all your happiness exists in the future.
Middle Phase: Love your Soul
Yay - soulful one! What an exciting space to be in - you are ready to commit to connecting to the spiritual side of yourself - your soul. You are ready to get to know yourself beyond your mind, beyond your body and at the level of pure consciousness. Working through this module you will learn what you love, what sets your heart on fire. You will learn and practice tools to raise your inner vibration.
You may be thinking: ‘I don’t know who I am?’ ‘What’s really important to me?’ ‘ I am not living life in the way that I truly desire.’ ‘I will love my life when….’
You may be feeling a sense of excitement and blossoming connection but frustrated that it seems fleeting. You may be feeling a longing for a deeper spiritual connection. A sense that there is more and that it is calling you.
You are practicing movement, mindfulness and meditation regularly. You have established regular contemplative practice that you enjoy and you are experimenting with other things that your soul is calling you to.
Last Phase: Expand
What a place to be! When you are in the stage of expansion, you are ready to powerfully co-create with the Universe. You are ready to deepen yourself to joy and an expansive, soul-aligned life.
You might be thinking: ‘I am ready for this’ ‘I want more but I am not sure what it is’ ‘I want to be guided and shown where to go’
You might be feeling impatient and a desire to deepen further into your relationship with yourself and the Universe. You might be feeling a polarity between a deep sense of trust and then the fleeting loss of this trust. You might be feeling a pull towards surrender and living in flow.
You are committed to the practices that you know work for you and you do them regularly. You manifest semi-regularly and make time for spiritual practices that nourish you. You are prone to letting yourself care slide when other priorities take over.