I'm already in! Sign me up £111
Or two monthly payments - £55.50

Get ready - your relationship with money is about to get MAGICAL


Money Magic is a subversive, spirit-led, magical approach to all things money and if you are reading this, it’s because the Spirit of Money is calling you in.


And if it's calling you extra loud there is VIP option of three 45 minute 1-2-1 sessions to help you through this course 


I feel you babe, FED UP of feeling broke-ass, struggling with ‘just enough’, foregoing the things you want in life because there just isn’t enough money.


Always feeling like money is the enemy, money is illusive, money is something other people have.

I'm already in! Sign me up £111
Or two monthly payments - £55.50
You will learn such valuable concepts in this class. Rachel is the real deal and brings intelligence, charm, and positive kicks in the booty when needed! Give yourself the gift of being in her presence while you make lasting changes to get the abundance you truly deserve. 


What if you could transform your whole relationship with money?











What if you could transform your whole relationship with money?

To embody a money relationship so rich and magical that creating, selling and receiving instinctively comes from a space of play, safety and certainty?

Even if - you come from a family history of poverty; you have been in business for several years but can’t seem to break through or you have a deep seated spiritual belief that money is BAD.

Pretty bloody juicy right?

To embody a money relationship so rich and magical that creating, selling and receiving instinctively comes from a space of play, safety and certainty?

Even if - you come from a family history of poverty; you have been in business for several years but can’t seem to break through or you have a deep seated spiritual belief that money is BAD.


Pretty bloody juicy right?

The principles you will learn in Money Magic helped me create a 180% increase in my revenue

 (yes, for those of you who are also shit at maths that's more than double!!!)

AND in the process, I stepped into owning the identity of a fully booked coach, a powerful creatrix and playful entrepreneur after having 18 months at the same income plateaux. 

Magical wins people have had with this course.

💗10k course gifted the moment they stepped in!

💗 work showing up out of nowhere 

💗 Four figure weeks 

💗 10x investment in the first week, highest month since covid - taking time to step back and relax

💗 £999 in sales of her course!

💗 3.5k PROFIT! Whilst taking time off and slowing down - selling out her event in a couple of hours whilst having a freedom date day with hubby!

✨ I have done so many money courses, all promising, and with all the best intentions, to transform your relationship with money. I have done 12 week courses that didn’t even scratch the surface. This course, Money Magic, has cracked me open in 3 weeks. I am now understanding my shit, I get it and I am embracing it. The combination of the energetic and mindset work is so powerful! Thank you Rachel! Here’s to your money health!

Siobhan Patterson - Hair Stylist for Theatres and Performance artists.

Skip to the Juicy details of what we are going to do!

The week by week breakdown is in a big golden box!!

This didn't happen by accident.

I created the plateaux and I created the overflow. 

I had to completely change the way I operated. I took very intentional steps and actions.

The amazing thing is, I paid attention, I kept notes, I was so intentional because I really needed to know for myself that I could create significant increases in my income when I desired them. 

Then it struck me,

I want to share exactly what I did

so that I could bring others along for the ride too.

HELL YES! Sign me up! £111
HELL YES! SIgn me up! - two payments of £55.50

Because I care. 

I really fucking care. 

I want you to make as much money as you desire. 

To create eye-watering levels of abundance. To be able to give, generously and without a second thought. To be able to throw money at a problem if you need to. To be able to live the most incredible life of freedom.

Money Magic has been unbelievable, the energy activations and mindset work has been insane.. I have shifted from feeling scared and in lack to feeling much more confident in my offerings and open to receiving. The live sessions have been so good , I particularly loved the energy work with Rachel.

Rosie Taylor

I created the plateaux and I created the overflow. 

I had to completely change the way I operated. I took very intentional steps and actions.

The amazing thing is, I paid attention, I kept notes, I was so intentional because I really needed to know for myself that I could create significant increases in my income when I desired them. 

Then it struck me,

I want to share exactly what I did

so that I could bring others along for the ride too.

HELL YES! SIgn me up! £111
Or two payments - £55.50

Because I care. 

I really fucking care. 

I want you to make as much money as you desire. 

To create eye-watering levels of abundance. To be able to give, generously and without a second thought. To be able to throw money at a problem if you need to. To be able to live the most incredible life of freedom.

VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

I created the plateaux and I created the overflow. 

I had to completely change the way I operated. I took very intentional steps and actions.

The amazing thing is, I paid attention, I kept notes, I was so intentional because I really needed to know for myself that I could create significant increases in my income when I desired them. 

Then it struck me,

I want to share exactly what I did

so that I could bring others along for the ride too.

HELL YES! Sign me up! - £111
Or two monthly payments - £55.50

Because I care. 

I really fucking care. 

I want you to make as much money as you desire. 

To create eye-watering levels of abundance. To be able to give, generously and without a second thought. To be able to throw money at a problem if you need to. To be able to live the most incredible life of freedom.

VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

Money Magic has been unbelievable, the energy activations and mindset work has been insane.. I have shifted from feeling scared and in lack to feeling much more confident in my offerings and open to receiving. The live sessions have been so good , I particularly loved the energy work with Rachel. 

Rosie Taylor

It physically pains my soul to see incredible people like you, people with amazing and important missions, struggling to make money. Did I mention I’ve been there?! Yup. Ouch


The worst part? 


Your work in this world MATTERS and when you have a fucked up relationship with money - inevitably, it means you are not getting your work out to everyone who desperately needs it.

Rachel creates magic in the space she holds and has changed the often black and white world of ‘money mindset’ into something infused with the most incredible energy. She goes so much deeper than ‘strategy’ and her relatable wisdom has made this a truly empowering experience. 

Clare Cox


Now I am going for it again, and Spirit told me that I should turn it into a course and bring YOU along for the ride.

Sounds like MAGIC! Sign me up £111
Or two monthly payments of £55.50





















A five week money Abundance Portal.

The Juice - this is why your soul is aching for this super fun portal: 


🦄 You are not fucking about. You want to go ALL in (even though a part of you is still resistant A.F.) 

🦄 You are done with half-in half out energy - it’s time to claim the playful feeling of certainty without fear. 

🦄 You sense it's time for Powerful next level money energy embodiment, so you are ready to look lovingly at how deeply scarcity thinking is getting funky with your results.

🦄 You feel the deep pull, the deep longing, the oozing desire to co-create with spirit and the spirit of your offers.

🦄 You want to work with magic, miracles and ceremony consciously in your business.

🦄 You crave that sold out super star energy and you know you are meant for it.

🦄 You have a level of financial success but it doesn’t feel like enough. It doesn’t feel juicy or playful or magical. 

VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

Now I am going for it again, and Spirit told me that I should turn it into a course and bring YOU along for the ride.

This sound like MAGIC! Sign me up! £111
Or two monthly payments of $55.50


A five week money Abundance Portal.

The Juice - this is why your soul is aching for this super fun portal: 

🦄 You are not fucking about. You want to go ALL in (even though a part of you is still resistant A.F.)  

🦄 You are done with half-in half out energy - it’s time to claim the playful feeling of certainty without fear. 

🦄 You sense it's time for Powerful next level money energy embodiment, so you are ready to look lovingly at how deeply scarcity thinking is getting funky with your results.

🦄 You feel the deep pull, the deep longing, the oozing desire to co-create with spirit and the spirit of your offers.

🦄 You want to work with magic, miracles and ceremony consciously in your business.

🦄 You crave that sold out super star energy and you know you are meant for it.

🦄 You have a level of financial success but it doesn’t feel like enough. It doesn’t feel juicy or playful or magical. 

VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

I would highly recommend doing Rachel’s money magic course. During the course I feel that I changed my relationship with money at a deep level. During the weeks we spent together  money came to  me out of the blue in a few surprising ways and I attribute this to the energy created by Rachel during this course. She really does work magic!

Sushi Mahto

The Magic in Money Magic:


🔥 Five powerful weeks of money magic, ceremony and sacred shifts, mindset healing and coaching. This is energetics, ceremony and magic combined with practical tools, coaching and mindset tips. 


🔥 Optional homework and extra integration pieces between sessions. 


🔥 Each week has an energetic component AND a practical teaching and coaching component. I am a channel and I have a clear knowing of what I am going to teach AND Spirit is clear that there also needs to be space for magic and spontaneity in the moment.


🔥Optional spell kit (just purchase after you have signed up - £10. Link will be in the confirmation email). First 20 people to sign up get this free!!!


🔥VIP - Three 45 minute 1-2-1 sessions to be taking during the course. Four places available


🔥 Week one - WEALTH ACTIVATION : Wealth activation ceremony and money activation spell. This is going to energetically start the transformation. It’s going to help you start to look at money and making money and receiving money in a completely new light. 


🔥 Week two - PLENTITUDE: reimagining your relationship with abundance and the frequency of wealth. Witnessing how nature models abundance and wealth for us. Embodying the wealth that is already yours. Living from Plentitude and Inner resourcefulness.  


🔥 Week three -SCARCITY, ANCESTRY AND CORD CUTTING: Diving into our repressed desires, our dark shadow work around money and receiving and self-worth. Bringing it all to the surface so it can’t run amuck unnoticed anymore. Energy clearing and cord cutting ceremony including ancestral and past life healing. (Did I mention I am a Shaman/Priestess Energy healer?!). Getting our energy body really clear and clean and ready to receive. Come back to this again and again any and every time you need to clear.


🔥 Week four - HAVING and BEING: Inner and outer realignment. Anchoring into the powerful energy of claiming it, feeling safe, certain and activating playfulness. Havingness. Receiving energy. Shifting your inner energy towards being receptive to money. 

🔥 Week five -  MONEY SPELL: This bonus session will help you to celebrate everything that you have created and achieved. You will also learn a super fun money spell that you can do any time you want to create more money and abundance.

Or 2 payments - £55.50
VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

Still not convinced?...


Wow what an amazing container this has been. It has shifted and illuminated some deep rooted beliefs and I still feel like I am working through them to be honest but from a new perspective and stepping into a bolder and more powerful version of me. 

It has embedded powerful and sustainable tools to help me to guide myself through lack and fear towards the refreshing well of abundance and plentitude.

The space Rachel creates holds you in a safe and loving space whilst challenging you to push beyond your usual boundaries, as she leads you through your transformation. I feel like she gave her all and more, to us and I am so grateful to have been part of Money Magic.  Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou xx 

Zoe Grasso

Money Magik has been a transformational investment for me. It's transformed my business and my life. I have grown in confidence in who I am as a woman, and what I offer in my work. I have changed the way I sell and promote my offerings and how I receive income, and it's all felt so easy, and playful, and very me - not another person's formula, which is what has been misaligned with so many other coaching programmes I've been part of. I've actually started making money from my business - my gifts. 

Money Magik has even helped my marriage because the more confident I've grown in myself and my work, the more I have been able to hold space for growth within my relationship, and the fact that I'm now able to financially contribute on a bigger level, has had a hugely positive impact on us as a couple and as a family. 

There was a strong sense of the power of community. Working as a soul-led solopreneur is tough when you are doing it alone, but when I'm part of a community of other passionate soul-preneurs I feel held, and seen, and supported, and this always accelerates my growth.  The community of people in Money Magik has done just that.  I no longer feel alone in my work and I have made connections with other business owners who I speak to on a daily-basis now, meaning the support Money Magik offered has gone way beyond the course itself.

Thank you Rachel for your gifts you share with the world.  I knew it was going to be Magik, I didn't know it was going to be this good. 

Emma Deery

Do I have issues with Money, not really I have learned to trust in the ebb and flow of Money (or as we learnt on the course to not just think of money as the cold hard cash, but to embrace her as the powerful Energy spirit she is) she wants to work with us she wants to spread her energy for pleasure and highest good. It is our own lack thinking and lack of surrender and trust that can stem the flow to a scant drizzle when it could be a river.

Rachel's course was a breath of fresh air in the way to approach our thoughts and actions re the spirit of Money, marrying spiritual, shamanic and sound alchemy in a heady woo woo experience brought from the safety and protection of the container she has created from her heart and the power of her own divine gifts.

Chronic pain health conditions brought me to the path of awakening and these same conditions have had a direct effect on my earning capacity. So me being me I thought if I can enter a container to manifest better flow that will naturally have a positive effect on my pain limitations as to heal one will have a direct effect on the other. And Boy! Was that wise thinking. This course helped me reaffirm my growing belief that pain brought me to the awakening journey to align self with both divine/shadow and ego self. It has been another magical layer on finding true soul purpose and the task of remembering.

This wonderful powerful experience and the connection with the Rachel and her growing coven of magical beings, will be forever a comfort and I look forward to many more journeys of discovery with Captain Rachel at the helm.


I joined Money Magic through last minute FOMO after my friend signed up because I'm (I was?? ) the type of person to throw money at potential solutions and expect results without having to do the work. Rachel made me do the work! And made me excited to do more work!! I now have a goal to work towards and I'm building the foundations  and raising my vibration accordingly. She's given my confidence and creativity a boot up the arse!

It's been a journey over the last 5 weeks and I've put myself out there in the community and met some really special people.

Money Magic is worth every penny. Thank you Rachel

Lindsay Clay - Reiki Master

I'm blown away and eternally grateful for the shift Rachel has activated in money mindset for me. She has enabled me to stay grounded in safety while I've had the most eye-watering few weeks in the outflow of money.

My years(!) long divorce finally came to an end in this container and a few times over the past couple of months, the money side of the divorce has had me in the pits of despair, afraid, incompetent, alone and desperate. 

But being in Money Magic for the past few weeks has allowed me to move through this outlay without those body and worth reactions.  It's allowed me to see money completely differently as a spirit, weaving through us and around us, enabling outcomes  and possibilities.  Having one less worry (usually the biggest) during these difficult weeks has been quite life changing! Thank you!

Rachel Hayward

I can't thank Rachel enough for her holding of that container. It was so potent. I don't have a business and money magic brought up a lot of inadequacy shadows to be healed. I recognised how much I was mentally competing with unrealistic standards. How much abundance I have now, and how looking at 'what I didn't have' was holding me back from facing the small steps I can take to grow safely.

I think some were on the same page as me, going more slowly to integrate the inner shifts. I watched the final ceremony a week later and it blew me away just like the others. Thank you. I don't know you from Adam but I love you


What an incredible experience! Rachel initiated me into deeper levels of connection with money than I’ve ever felt before. I’m stepping into new levels of abundance and my soul destiny feels so much more clear and supported from being within Rachel’s course. 

She held the space with such genuine care and love which I felt made all the difference. I was motivated by the knowing that she really did want to help me live in a state of freedom, joy and abundance. I can safely say that this course has allowed me to open doors into my own abundance which I wouldn’t have been able to do without being apart of the group. I’m feeling safer, freer and most importantly supported by the spirit of money to step into my soul destiny which is all I could ask for. Thank you Rachel for your power and guidance!


I entered the realm of money magic slightly afraid. I don't own a business or have any previous financial coaching of any sort. I thought I wasn't ready to start working on this 'stuff' - it wasn't for me, it was probably something to do at some point in the future...I probably didn't 'need' it, I was too old to start again...yet I KNEW my relationship with money needed to change..maybe this would help? I trusted...and am sooo happy that I did. We were all held beautifully, everything was explained easily, it was activated powerfully and now I feel fully empowered to start major shifts in my financial life

Jo Simpson

Working with Rachel in her Money Magic container has been absolutely mind blowing. Each workshop that she held was a revelation and I found myself thinking over and over again: more people need to know this!

It has completely shifted the way I see my business. During the 4 weeks I got crystal clear on what I wanted my offer to be, set the pricing AAAND... I started doing it! No more stalling, second guessing, no more crippling self doubts. And my own clients are raving about it!

What Rachel does goes deep in the subconscious. This is therapy and business coaching all in one from this gifted, heart led Abundance Priestess.

I will join all her programs again and again, because it absolutely works!

Ana Calistru

Money Magic has been incredible! From start to finish Rachel surprised and delighted us with her magic. It has been a beautiful blend of energy activation & practical tools to up level every area of abundance - I feel truly changed - and am so much more in tune with the Spirit of Money and my ability to be receptive. I'm also really amazed at how some lurking lack beliefs were brought to the surface and cleared.

I'm so grateful I took the chance to work with Rachel  - thank you, you goddess!

Kathy Bell

I joined Rachel’s Money Magic course not because I have a problem with money flowing to me ( I don’t ) but I have a habit of giving it away as though I don’t deserve it. I also have a problem with being visible. 

My favourite parts of each week were the meditation/ ceremony sections, they allowed me to listen to ‘my ego voice’ acknowledge the feelings & release them. This was made easeful by Rachel who is joy to watch & work with. She holds the space perfectly, with the right amount of empathy & fun … I highly recommend Money Magic & working with Rachel, she’s a dream & hugely enthusiastic ! Also I made my course investment back within the first week & I haven’t given it away 😂🙌🏻🥰

Carolyn Creel - Author and Creator of The Clear Method

I am one of those people who likes to try new things, yet, this was a bit out there for me. Still, I wanted to do it so I did. And it was amazing! So many great lessons and insights came out of this experience, but the most significant one of all was that lack is also saying I don't know/ I can't. I never knew that!

On top of this, Rachel is amazing at demonstrating how to show up as oneself when teaching and coaching.

Marija - Scientist and Life Coach

I have been doing a money coaching course for over a year in another container, but I was feeling really stuck. I knew that joining Rachels ‘Money Magic’ 5-week course would help me to shift out of the ‘lack mentality’ that I was stuck in. I feel Money Magic has helped me to physically embody and cement all the things I have been thinking about over the last few years. I love the shamanic ritual elements of the course.

Rachel’s style of teaching is so refreshing. Attending feels like I’m sitting in my front room with my bestie, with my favourite cup of tea, having deep and meaningful conversations. Warm, safe, expanding, and joyful. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do the deep healing work but in a fun way.

Jennie Hearn - EFT Practitioner

✨Rachel’s Money Magic course was exactly the kind of energetically shifting ritualistic coven I needed to reframe my relationship to money. The 5 weeks take you on a journey of deep self discovery, healing and of course magic around wealth and abundance. A huge game changer for me. Thank you so much Rachel.

Rebecca Reaney

Rachel speaks a language like no other. If you’ve taken part in money courses before then know this one is different and shines a light on areas around money you are likely unaware of. I’m not coming out of the course as a shiny new penny (nor was that promised), however I have definitely had a buffing, and have tools to continue polishing. This is a container you can be truly vulnerable, raw, and unapologetically you without fear of judgement.

I joined because I trusted that Rachel would provide a perspective around money that no one else would. I aspire to public speak as part of my future business to share my passion and wisdom. I expressed a lack of confidence to the Money Magic family, and was encouraged to go live in the Facebook group, which I did twice due to feeling so held.

Thank you Rachel for a new and spiritual approach to money. Here’s to money in the hands of those who do good with it.

Alex Lile - Health and Nutrition Coach

I joined Money Magic because I’m a huge fan of Rachel’s work; she walks her talk and she just ‘gets’ me — she has done from the moment she clapped eyes on me slinking about shyly in a huge group setting and I appreciated that from the get go! I feel safe around her energy and so I took the plunge…

Funnily enough, as soon as I began the course, lots of expenditure arose and I felt triggered. However, my favourite part of it was experiencing the abundance of lightbulbs that went off along the way. Rachel explains things in a way my ADHD brain understands — because she has a similar brain! — and after the first couple of weeks, I began to trust for the first time ever that I’m finally doing the work with unravelling all of my money ‘stuff’ that I’ve needed for a really long time. It’s a massively sensitive subject for me because I’ve made mistakes with money in the past, but the huge onion of money healing is being skinned and yes, my eyes are watering like f**k!

I recommend this course and I’m sad it’s coming to an end. Thank you, Rachel!

Em Mulholland - Shamanic Practitioner

I have needed money magic long before I knew it was even available! I was instantly drawn to Rachel since listening to her as a guest on The Intuition Conversations Podcast & I just knew I wanted to work with her!

I have thoroughly enjoyed every activation session, every bonus session, the homework and the visual meditations especially have been so emotionally cathartic for me. This is the first time I have experienced triggers in a more positive & curious way instead of only having negative reactive responses. Everyone has been vulnerable and has held space without judgement. There really is a lot of magic in knowing we all have shared experiences, are not alone and knowing that it is absolutely possible to let the lack go!

This year has been the year of really working with my shadow instead of trying to run away from it & money magic couldn't have come at a more important time

Rachel Helen Smithbone you are bloody fabulous!

Chelsea Barrett - Crystal Jewelry maker

✨Thank you Rachel for opening up my mind. This course has allowed me to see how I have been thinking about money and plentitude, root out and challenge many self limiting beliefs. Your totally relatable, practical and soulful approach has given me confidence to be able to go forward using new skills - a completely new approach to all things money! Thank you

Katy Dunn

I AM IN!! - £111
I AM IN!! - 2 x £55.50
VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222

Still not convinced?...


Wow what an amazing container this has been. It has shifted and illuminated some deep rooted beliefs and I still feel like I am working through them to be honest but from a new perspective and stepping into a bolder and more powerful version of me. 

It has embedded powerful and sustainable tools to help me to guide myself through lack and fear towards the refreshing well of abundance and plentitude.

The space Rachel creates holds you in a safe and loving space whilst challenging you to push beyond your usual boundaries, as she leads you through your transformation. I feel like she gave her all and more, to us and I am so grateful to have been part of Money Magic.  Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou xx 

Zoe Grasso

Money Magik has been a transformational investment for me. It's transformed my business and my life. I have grown in confidence in who I am as a woman, and what I offer in my work. I have changed the way I sell and promote my offerings and how I receive income, and it's all felt so easy, and playful, and very me - not another person's formula, which is what has been misaligned with so many other coaching programmes I've been part of. I've actually started making money from my business - my gifts. 

Money Magik has even helped my marriage because the more confident I've grown in myself and my work, the more I have been able to hold space for growth within my relationship, and the fact that I'm now able to financially contribute on a bigger level, has had a hugely positive impact on us as a couple and as a family. 

There was a strong sense of the power of community. Working as a soul-led solopreneur is tough when you are doing it alone, but when I'm part of a community of other passionate soul-preneurs I feel held, and seen, and supported, and this always accelerates my growth.  The community of people in Money Magik has done just that.  I no longer feel alone in my work and I have made connections with other business owners who I speak to on a daily-basis now, meaning the support Money Magik offered has gone way beyond the course itself.

Thank you Rachel for your gifts you share with the world.  I knew it was going to be Magik, I didn't know it was going to be this good. 

Emma Deery

I joined Money Magic through last minute FOMO after my friend signed up because I'm (I was?? ) the type of person to throw money at potential solutions and expect results without having to do the work. Rachel made me do the work! And made me excited to do more work!! I now have a goal to work towards and I'm building the foundations  and raising my vibration accordingly. She's given my confidence and creativity a boot up the arse!

It's been a journey over the last 5 weeks and I've put myself out there in the community and met some really special people.

Money Magic is worth every penny. Thank you Rachel

Lindsay Clay - Reiki Master

Do I have issues with Money, not really I have learned to trust in the ebb and flow of Money (or as we learnt on the course to not just think of money as the cold hard cash, but to embrace her as the powerful Energy spirit she is) she wants to work with us she wants to spread her energy for pleasure and highest good. It is our own lack thinking and lack of surrender and trust that can stem the flow to a scant drizzle when it could be a river.

Rachel's course was a breath of fresh air in the way to approach our thoughts and actions re the spirit of Money, marrying spiritual, shamanic and sound alchemy in a heady woo woo experience brought from the safety and protection of the container she has created from her heart and the power of her own divine gifts.

Chronic pain health conditions brought me to the path of awakening and these same conditions have had a direct effect on my earning capacity. So me being me I thought if I can enter a container to manifest better flow that will naturally have a positive effect on my pain limitations as to heal one will have a direct effect on the other. And Boy! Was that wise thinking. This course helped me reaffirm my growing belief that pain brought me to the awakening journey to align self with both divine/shadow and ego self. It has been another magical layer on finding true soul purpose and the task of remembering.

This wonderful powerful experience and the connection with the Rachel and her growing coven of magical beings, will be forever a comfort and I look forward to many more journeys of discovery with Captain Rachel at the helm.


I can't thank Rachel enough for her holding of that container. It was so potent. I don't have a business and money magic brought up a lot of inadequacy shadows to be healed. I recognised how much I was mentally competing with unrealistic standards. How much abundance I have now, and how looking at 'what I didn't have' was holding me back from facing the small steps I can take to grow safely.

I think some were on the same page as me, going more slowly to integrate the inner shifts. I watched the final ceremony a week later and it blew me away just like the others. Thank you. I don't know you from Adam but I love you


I'm blown away and eternally grateful for the shift Rachel has activated in money mindset for me. She has enabled me to stay grounded in safety while I've had the most eye-watering few weeks in the outflow of money.

My years(!) long divorce finally came to an end in this container and a few times over the past couple of months, the money side of the divorce has had me in the pits of despair, afraid, incompetent, alone and desperate. 

But being in Money Magic for the past few weeks has allowed me to move through this outlay without those body and worth reactions.  It's allowed me to see money completely differently as a spirit, weaving through us and around us, enabling outcomes  and possibilities.  Having one less worry (usually the biggest) during these difficult weeks has been quite life changing! Thank you!

Rachel Hayward

I entered the realm of money magic slightly afraid. I don't own a business or have any previous financial coaching of any sort. I thought I wasn't ready to start working on this 'stuff' - it wasn't for me, it was probably something to do at some point in the future...I probably didn't 'need' it, I was too old to start again...yet I KNEW my relationship with money needed to change..maybe this would help? I trusted...and am sooo happy that I did. We were all held beautifully, everything was explained easily, it was activated powerfully and now I feel fully empowered to start major shifts in my financial life

Jo Simpson

What an incredible experience! Rachel initiated me into deeper levels of connection with money than I’ve ever felt before. I’m stepping into new levels of abundance and my soul destiny feels so much more clear and supported from being within Rachel’s course. 

She held the space with such genuine care and love which I felt made all the difference. I was motivated by the knowing that she really did want to help me live in a state of freedom, joy and abundance. I can safely say that this course has allowed me to open doors into my own abundance which I wouldn’t have been able to do without being apart of the group. I’m feeling safer, freer and most importantly supported by the spirit of money to step into my soul destiny which is all I could ask for. Thank you Rachel for your power and guidance!


Money Magic has been incredible! From start to finish Rachel surprised and delighted us with her magic. It has been a beautiful blend of energy activation & practical tools to up level every area of abundance - I feel truly changed - and am so much more in tune with the Spirit of Money and my ability to be receptive. I'm also really amazed at how some lurking lack beliefs were brought to the surface and cleared.

I'm so grateful I took the chance to work with Rachel  - thank you, you goddess!

Kathy Bell

Working with Rachel in her Money Magic container has been absolutely mind blowing. Each workshop that she held was a revelation and I found myself thinking over and over again: more people need to know this!

It has completely shifted the way I see my business. During the 4 weeks I got crystal clear on what I wanted my offer to be, set the pricing AAAND... I started doing it! No more stalling, second guessing, no more crippling self doubts. And my own clients are raving about it!

What Rachel does goes deep in the subconscious. This is therapy and business coaching all in one from this gifted, heart led Abundance Priestess.

I will join all her programs again and again, because it absolutely works!

Ana Calistru

I am one of those people who likes to try new things, yet, this was a bit out there for me. Still, I wanted to do it so I did. And it was amazing! So many great lessons and insights came out of this experience, but the most significant one of all was that lack is also saying I don't know/ I can't. I never knew that!

On top of this, Rachel is amazing at demonstrating how to show up as oneself when teaching and coaching.

Marija - Scientist and Life Coach

I joined Rachel’s Money Magic course not because I have a problem with money flowing to me ( I don’t ) but I have a habit of giving it away as though I don’t deserve it. I also have a problem with being visible. 

My favourite parts of each week were the meditation/ ceremony sections, they allowed me to listen to ‘my ego voice’ acknowledge the feelings & release them. This was made easeful by Rachel who is joy to watch & work with. She holds the space perfectly, with the right amount of empathy & fun … I highly recommend Money Magic & working with Rachel, she’s a dream & hugely enthusiastic ! Also I made my course investment back within the first week & I haven’t given it away 😂🙌🏻🥰

Carolyn Creel - Author and Creator of The Clear Method

✨Rachel’s Money Magic course was exactly the kind of energetically shifting ritualistic coven I needed to reframe my relationship to money. The 5 weeks take you on a journey of deep self discovery, healing and of course magic around wealth and abundance. A huge game changer for me. Thank you so much Rachel.

Rebecca Reaney

I have been doing a money coaching course for over a year in another container, but I was feeling really stuck. I knew that joining Rachels ‘Money Magic’ 5-week course would help me to shift out of the ‘lack mentality’ that I was stuck in. I feel Money Magic has helped me to physically embody and cement all the things I have been thinking about over the last few years. I love the shamanic ritual elements of the course.

Rachel’s style of teaching is so refreshing. Attending feels like I’m sitting in my front room with my bestie, with my favourite cup of tea, having deep and meaningful conversations. Warm, safe, expanding, and joyful. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do the deep healing work but in a fun way.

Jennie Hearn - EFT Practitioner

Rachel speaks a language like no other. If you’ve taken part in money courses before then know this one is different and shines a light on areas around money you are likely unaware of. I’m not coming out of the course as a shiny new penny (nor was that promised), however I have definitely had a buffing, and have tools to continue polishing. This is a container you can be truly vulnerable, raw, and unapologetically you without fear of judgement.

I joined because I trusted that Rachel would provide a perspective around money that no one else would. I aspire to public speak as part of my future business to share my passion and wisdom. I expressed a lack of confidence to the Money Magic family, and was encouraged to go live in the Facebook group, which I did twice due to feeling so held.

Thank you Rachel for a new and spiritual approach to money. Here’s to money in the hands of those who do good with it.

Alex Lile - Health and Nutrition Coach

I joined Money Magic because I’m a huge fan of Rachel’s work; she walks her talk and she just ‘gets’ me — she has done from the moment she clapped eyes on me slinking about shyly in a huge group setting and I appreciated that from the get go! I feel safe around her energy and so I took the plunge…

Funnily enough, as soon as I began the course, lots of expenditure arose and I felt triggered. However, my favourite part of it was experiencing the abundance of lightbulbs that went off along the way. Rachel explains things in a way my ADHD brain understands — because she has a similar brain! — and after the first couple of weeks, I began to trust for the first time ever that I’m finally doing the work with unravelling all of my money ‘stuff’ that I’ve needed for a really long time. It’s a massively sensitive subject for me because I’ve made mistakes with money in the past, but the huge onion of money healing is being skinned and yes, my eyes are watering like f**k!

I recommend this course and I’m sad it’s coming to an end. Thank you, Rachel!

Em Mulholland - Shamanic Practitioner

I have needed money magic long before I knew it was even available! I was instantly drawn to Rachel since listening to her as a guest on The Intuition Conversations Podcast & I just knew I wanted to work with her!

I have thoroughly enjoyed every activation session, every bonus session, the homework and the visual meditations especially have been so emotionally cathartic for me. This is the first time I have experienced triggers in a more positive & curious way instead of only having negative reactive responses. Everyone has been vulnerable and has held space without judgement. There really is a lot of magic in knowing we all have shared experiences, are not alone and knowing that it is absolutely possible to let the lack go!

This year has been the year of really working with my shadow instead of trying to run away from it & money magic couldn't have come at a more important time

Rachel Helen Smithbone you are bloody fabulous!

Chelsea Barrett - Crystal Jewelry maker

✨Thank you Rachel for opening up my mind. This course has allowed me to see how I have been thinking about money and plentitude, root out and challenge many self limiting beliefs. Your totally relatable, practical and soulful approach has given me confidence to be able to go forward using new skills - a completely new approach to all things money! Thank you

Katy Dunn

I AM IN!! - £111
I AM IN!! - 2 x £55.50
VIP - £444
VIP - 2 x £222