Pay in full - ยฃ888
4 Monthly instalments @ ยฃ222

Are you ready to SHUT UP AND LAUNCH?


I see you babe.  Full of brilliant ideas. Bursting with creativity. Passionately led by a purpose that burns in your soul. 


You care deeply about your work and your people. 

And….. when it comes to nailing your colours to the mast and going for it, you kinda suck (I say that with love!). 


Either you get so caught up in the energy of ‘getting it right’ that birthing your offer becomes like a 72 hour labour with no gas and air, or worse still, you never manage to birth anything at all! 

Well, I got you babe, cos that used to be ME!

Introducing ‘Shut up and Launch’ an eight week party where festival meets Jedi Training school to activate fun, playfulness and ACTION. 


Shut up and Launch is all about activating the fun and playfulness that makes business JOYFUL, thrilling and sustainable. 


Think of it like a two month IV drip of courage and confidence. 


We will boogie on down through an eight week activation from initial conception through to selling your offer and if you have an offer in mind or have recently launched - fear not, this will give you a WHOLE new perspective that will serve you and your business forever more. 


We will dance together every step of the way with a super spicy blend of group coaching and energy work plus oh so juicy activations and practical masterclasses. 

Think of me as your Priestess Business Doula, covered in glitter, sporting a tutu and sashaying you onto the business dance floor!

* I know I should really get a picture of that!

Full disclosure, I am known for my Powerful ceremony and mind blowing activations as well as magical practices (yes we will do an ACTUAL spell!)ย 


โ€ฆas a fully qualified mindset coach my Priestess street cred is backed by bona fide, cutting edge evidence and science based tools. So expect some seismic brain shifts to rewire your neural pathways into radical ACTION taking.

At the end of eight weeks together you will have launched an actual offer that you care deeply about OR learnt all the tools to take away and launch in your own leisure.

Cos this is a permissive space where YOU are in charge.

At the end of eight weeks together you will have launched an actual offer that you care deeply about OR learnt all the tools to take away and launch in your own leisure.

Cos this is a permissive space where YOU are in charge.

Imagine that!

Remember - Entrepreneurship is all about learning as you go but so many of us get stuck in the swamps of perfectionism and over-thinking and while we flail and thrash our brilliant ideas die on the vine.


Donโ€™t let that be you babe - grab your glitter and letโ€™s SHUT UP AND LAUNCH!!


I already know it's for me - Sign Me UP!

Pay in Full - ยฃ888
4 Monthly Instalments @ ยฃ222

Hereโ€™s what I know:ย 


You are here on a sacred mission with a BIG ASS vision.


AND you are still not where you want to be in your business. BOOOOOOO sad face.ย 


It’s frustrating AF isn’t it? 

Been there, done that and got the procrastinators t-shirt.  

The thing is, it isn’t cos your ideas aren’t great or cos you’re fundamentally a shit person or a terrible entrepreneur (although if you are anything like me, I bet your poor old brain is trying to convince you that it is those exact things)

I bet, like I was, you are stuck in your own version of the fear cycle of caring so deeply about ‘getting it RIGHT’. 


This trixie bugger kept me ensnared in her net for years. I had so many brilliant ideas, but I was so anxious to ‘get it right’ that I scarcely launched anything. 


And when I did dare to launch something, I was so shit scared (and neck deep in the quicksand of my fight/flight/fawn response) that it was actually painful.

I had a google doc FULL of the things I wanted to create, even whole courses mapped out (slaps forehead!) but none of them saw the light of day because my brain got overwhelmed, my perfectionist-polly got terrified and my imposter syndrome got the better of me.

 Are you nodding along yet?

What if I told you that in eight magical weeks together you could love launching your genius offer as much as you love creating and delivering it?

๐Ÿš€ So that you relish the alchemic transformation that happens each time you courageously say YES to your own brilliant ideas.


๐Ÿš€  So that you launch your offers with kick ass confidence and an unshakeable spirit of PLAY? 


๐Ÿš€So that you actually look forward to shouting about the amazing thing you have created!?


๐Ÿš€ So that your people are so turned on by the way you talk about your offer that they can’t help but get out their credit card?

๐Ÿš€ So that you feel safe and skilled as you birth your offer into the world.

No more second guessing yourself - Is this the most sensible thing to launch? Will anybody buy this? Do I really want to offer this right now?โ€


No more fear of selling - Oh God, what will people think of me? Selling is sleazy and money grabbing.ย 


No more worrying that you are pissing people off every time you talk about your offer.ย 

No more overthinking every single decision until you get caught up in a tangle of decisions with no action in sight



Pay in Full - ยฃ888
4 Monthly Instalments @ ยฃ222

Shut up and Launch is an eight week Jedi training camp for your brain, your business and your soul.

Shut up and Launch is an eight week Jedi training camp for your brain, your business and your soul.

I happen to know that you have brilliant ideas that need to be birthed. You need to birth them and the world needs them too.  

I also know that you are your own worst enemy. 


I know that that gets to change.

I happen to know that you have brilliant ideas that need to be birthed. You need to birth them and the world needs themย too.ย ย 
I also know that you are your own worst enemy.ย 
I know that that gets to change.

Shut Up And Launch was born from the radical transformation that allowed me to create and sell out a program in two weeks.

๐Ÿš€ A program that I had been contemplating for over two years but never done anything about!
๐Ÿš€ A program that turned out to be life changing for my clients AND for me.ย 
๐Ÿš€ A program that allowed me to double my monthly revenue and create recurring income. Kerching!ย 
๐Ÿš€ A program that taught me how to sell from a place of deep service, love and unbound FUN!!

Here are all the juicy details of Shut Up and Launch…


Shut up and Launch starts on the 1st Feb 2023 at 1pm UK online via zoom. 

The party will last between one and two hours each week depending on how much fun we are having and how much coaching everyone needs. 


๐Ÿš€ Yes, there will be replays available and yes you get to keep them! 


๐Ÿš€ Yes, there will be a super fun party bag when you join so don’t forget to give me your address! 


๐Ÿš€ Yes, every single one of you gets a one to one with me worth £333.


๐Ÿš€ Yes, there is a party pad central facebook group to mingle in. 


๐Ÿš€ Yes, spaces are limited to 20 people max.

Super spicy content:

Week One: Intro week.ย 

๐Ÿš€ How to get the most out of this container. Take up space. Mindset tips. Get on the dance floor.

๐Ÿš€ Understanding โ€˜The Spirit of the offerโ€™. This offer has chosen YOU to be its vessel. Its caretaker. Its collaborator.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Activation to connect with the Spirit of your offer so that you step out of overwhelm and into action.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Two: Itโ€™s all about YOU.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Play with the confidence to be fully YOU so that your offer and your selling is infused with YOUR unique Magique. Trusting yourself. Trusting YOUR way of creating.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Your offer your way - connecting and creating in collaboration with the spirit of your offer.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Radical Self-Trust. Using your launch, sales and offer to deepen your radical, unequivocal SELF-TRUST.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Three: Sacred Sellingย 

๐Ÿš€ Reconnecting with the spirit of your offer and inviting it to alchemise the sales process and bountiful ideas.ย ย 

๐Ÿš€ย The Energetics of selling so that you learn to love shouting about your offer.ย 

๐Ÿš€ The โ€˜fuck itโ€™ point.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Let the program enter your consciousness and teach you. Your offer is meant to change you too.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Four: Thoughts about your audience and your self-concept

๐Ÿš€ Activation to connect you with the network of YOUR people.ย 

๐Ÿš€ How to think about your audience in ways that activate dream clients to purchase your offer.

๐Ÿš€ How not to think about your audience and the people around you. Common things we do wrong when thinking about our audience.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Dialling up the heat on your self-concept; your confidence, playfulness, knowing it is safe to PLAYย & your feeling of safety.

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week five - Letโ€™s get YOUR party startedย 

๐Ÿš€ Launch week - time to get shouting about the genius you have created!ย  ย 

๐Ÿš€ Stepping into the soul-led magic of birthing your offer and serving your people.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Spell and Vision for the selling and the offer (like I do in the woods) How I call in clients - activate them in my energy field.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Six - Dance like nobody is watching!

๐Ÿš€ Building the skills of safety so that when fear and imposter syndrome arise - you know exactly how to navigate them.ย 

๐Ÿš€ How to fall in love with your offer as you keep selling it.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Sneaky brain farts that are stinking up the sales party! How to spot them and what to do about them.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Seven - Take your own medicine.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Brain fuckery - thoughts that will try to derail you. Imposter syndrome and taking a dose of the medicine you are offering in your program.ย ย 

๐Ÿš€ Everything I learnt from from money magic.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching.

Week Eight - CELEBRATION! Coaching and energy clearing.ย 

๐Ÿš€ Our final session together - final celebration and close out ceremony.ย ย 

๐Ÿš€ Group Coaching/dance party celebration time. Pop the champers and let's boogie.


You had me at hello!  - Sign me up!

Pay in full - ยฃ888
4 Monthly instalments @ ยฃ222

Who is Shut Up and Launch for? 

You need to jump on this offer like it’s the cutie in the corner, if… 


  • You have a business where you are creating products that create transformation in your clients. That could be yoga, sound, healing, therapy, creative pursuits, coaching etc
  • You have an abundance of ideas but you aren’t taking action.
  • If you have launched things already but it felt like seriously hard work, not very fun and generally not at all joyful!
  • If you long for business to feel like MAGIC.
  • If you are a deeply spiritual being
  • If you understand that this is not a quick fix nor a get rich quick scheme - you need to lean in and come to your edges.
  • If you are so fucking DONE with playing small and you want to step fully into your POWER.
  • If you love to be in a powerful energetic community, container and amplification chamber.
  • If you are experienced and successful at launching but your soul isn’t lit up and blissed out by the process.
  • If you know you need to embrace this epic skill set, but don't want to launch right now (cos you get to keep all this content!).



We're not a match right now, if…. 


  • You roll your eyes at all things 'out there,' mystical and woo. 
  • You are already in love with your own launch process.
  • You want to get a one size fits all approach that will cut you out like a neat little cookie. 
  • You aren’t ready to face your shit and your shadow.
  • You don’t want to do the work.
  • If investing £888 makes you feel deeply unsafe instead of activating you.

At the end of the day, trust yourself. Always. I know you will know if it’s a hell yeah or not ๐Ÿ’—


And if it is, get out your card babes, it’s time to book your ticket to the jedi-training festival party of the decade!


Pay in full - ยฃ888
4 Monthly instalments @ ยฃ222